Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What at first doesn't kill you usually succeeds in the second attempt

Today was interesting. It kind of felt like a throw-away day. I didn't do a whole lot in any of my classes, especially physics. No discussion, no lecture, no nothing. But I do have a midterm tomorrow...ah college!
iFoundry class today was another lecture; it was about labeling. I never really thought about it before, but it can make life and business a lot easier. After all, time is money. But what really got me interested is the whole idea that little annoyances should be eliminated. Yesterday, for example, I saw the Designmatters lecture from Michael Johnson, who works at Pixar. His ideas about software touched a bit on the idea that little annoyances need to be addressed, like the impracticality of old-school storyboarding. Personally, I'm kind of a "go with the flow" person, and I'm usually okay with the status quo, no matter how shoddy. Small trials of the day don't bother me too much, but they can add up sometimes. I think the whole idea of making people completely satisfied is amazing! Think about it: products that aren't just adding to the pile of mediocrity, but are redefining what is great!
The AED meeting was today, too. I was kind of proud of myself, because everything ran smoothly logistically. The pizza was on time, we had plates and cups, everyone knew where to go, and we had agendas. Hooray for being organized! Gerry Labedz from Motorola had some really great insights on design in industry, how creativity factors into the design process in larger corporations, and what we as students can expect when we enter the work force. He also expounded on the fact that products should be simply designed and practical to use. It was a really great discussion. I'm glad that Matt J., Matt G., and Sean took video footage of it. After that, Jim gave AED a tour of the lab, which is amazing! Tablet PCs, a 3D printer, a large-scale printer, etc.! I can't wait to learn how to use the amazing technology in that lab; Jim is actually planning on having a guy from Autodesk come and talk with AED on how to use the equipment. That should be exciting.
Well, that's about all for now. Until next time, keep your stick on the ice!

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